Saturday, July 30, 2011

Return day 7


Latitude 39-08 North Longitude 150-50 West
Days run 161 Miles
Speed 6.7 Knots

Mid Watch set @ 0000 7/30 Capt. Bligh and Chief on duty. Finally reached our goal on the Southern end of the high! Wind and swell diminished, @ 0100 the order was given to strike the jib, center the main and turn for home under power, Huzzah Huzzah, a cheer went up, we're on our way.....then the engine died, aw sh..!! We were bobbing like a rubber duck in a tub. The high which we worked so hard to find now became our nemesis. Time for the Chief (who for the past six days had been drinking beer and working on his tan) to get to work. I stayed @ the wheel and engine control while the Chief, assisted by Cookie changed the Raycor filter. The Sailingmaster popped his head out of the bunk to find us becalmed with the sails on deck… he went back to sleep. Approx. 30 min. later the Chief gave the order to try the engine...Huzzah she fired and away we went homeward bound once more.

God Bless America and our Chief Engineer! What a crew!

1200 Lunch was served by the downwind cook; tortilla wraps al fresco with chilled wine. Capt. declared general R&R day for recognition of exemplary behavior (near mutiny notwithstanding) while beating to windward in a SC 50 for over 1000 Nm.

Staff meeting was held and "motor boat" watch schedule was agreed upon 3 three hour watches commencing @ 2100 ending @ 0600 one up one man sleeps all night. Rotate sleeper thru the high. Since the Chief may be called out for engineering difficulties he will be the first sleeper. Time to recharge!

Still expecting 08/08 ETA

By order of Capt. Bligh


When one goes to sea, we encounter Shipmates of all varieties and forms. It may be the Captain who was tyrannical and made your day, weeks, months, pass with such pain. It may be the joking AB who made you smile on that mid watch, or the Radio Officer who carried a bit of Left Rudder… Whatever, Shipmates and their proclivities flavor life at sea, and memories for a lifetime
Some of my fondest memories, and finest Shipmates I have are, Shipmates from my Days at California Maritime Academy. I would not be here today if not for them. Thirty five years have passed since the seeds of friendship were planted and they continue flourish to this day. I sit here today after one week at sea on a cramped, smelly ,uncomfortable racing sailboat, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with a big smile on my face because of the three shipmates aboard and one at home watching, wishing he were here.


Late breaking news

Hove to this afternoon for engine maintenance. All decided to have free swim. The captain masked up for underbody inspection. He found a huge rope affixed to the propeller shaft… Cut it away, and we are back chugging along. A little bit faster and a little bit cleaner.

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