Friday, July 29, 2011

Return day 6

ALLURE RETURN DAY 6 1000 Miles north and turn right. "The Windward Boys" renamed the "The Westward Boys"

Latitude 37-48 North Longitude 152-57 West
Days run 184 Miles
Speed 7.8 Knots

Today's noon position showed a total run of 1018 miles. At morning radio check in we were again the most westward vessel of the returning bunch. Oh well…"Allure" is a fine vessel but it
Sucks at being "Sea kindly" sailing close hauled. We have taken the comfortable approach, (if you could call it that) by backing a few degrees off the wind. Maybe a change of orders for Japan next port!!!
Looks like we are nearing the high, Westerly's are in our future.
Spirits are high; food is good, company great.
All for now, Cookie

Held Captain's Mast at sunrise this AM to determine who was responsible for the unauthorized consumption of the ship's tequila stores. Sailing master acted as Master-At-Arms as the accused, Cookie was brought before the tribunal. Ch. Eng. acted as scribe. Asked why the tequila stores were precipitously low Cookie broke down and threw himself on the mercy of the court.
FINDINGS: It seems Cookie was not the only guilty party as he ratted out the Chief and the Sailing master, of conducting an unauthorized tequila chugging contest. Sensing a near mutiny brewing I armed myself with the fish billy backed to the leeward end of the cockpit close to the MOB float least I had to jump to save my life!
CONCLUSIONS: Fearing a general uprising was in the making I absolved all parties of their crime of theft of ship stores on the high seas. Usual punishment for such an infraction is ten lashes, however being out numbered and staring into shark infested waters the sentence was commuted, with the proviso that all future parties MUST INCLUDE THE CAPTAIN.

Being no further business this court was adjourned. Arrrr

Capt. Bilgh

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