Monday, July 25, 2011

Return day 2

ALLURE RETURN DAY 2. Yeah We Signed on for This!

Made almost 200nm from noon-noon pretty darned good running to windward on a reefed delivery main and the crew is in high spirits. This is our third delivery together aboard the Allure and the crew synergy is great, we almost know what each other is thinking, (at least we know what Cookie is thinking.)

Nothing compares with sailing on the open sea…you just have to be here. It's hot, cramped; the boat is in constant motion, but the views of the endless horizon, blue sea, and spectacular stars make up for it all.
The most used piece of equipment is the new cockpit dodger and Bean bag chair (can't get the Chief Engineer out of it) Thank you Jimbo! Next time order a couple more bean bags and we'll carry less whiskey.
We hope to hit the high in the next 48 hrs. motor for a while then turn for home. If all goes well we should be home 8/8 in time for my anniversary.

Love to all from Capt. Bligh and the stalwart crew.

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