Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Return day 4

ALLURE RETURN DAY 4 "Clean Sweep Down Fore and Aft"

Latitude 32-48 N Long. 155-00 W @ 1600 HST
Noon position showed a total run of 700 miles, We are approximately 1900 miles west of Los Angeles

We continue cruising to our first waypoint with the intent of turning through the Pac High @ about 37-38 North. Wind as expected is diminishing but we are still making good headway. Shook out the reef @ first light avg. speed last 24 hrs. about 6.75 kts.

Today due to some hot and stinky conditions we agreed all should take a bath, salt water soap down followed by fresh rinse ahhh heaven!. We pumped and cleaned the bilges, head and overall spruced up the living quarters. Stopped short of inspection…everyone looks and smells a lot better especially the Chief. Whiskey ration was doubled.

The Allure delivery crew is eating well thanks to Cookie's spending spree @ Costco, however Cookie has yet to join the Capt. In the galley except for occasional cleanup. He promises a special treat in the future.

Yesterday Sailing Master and Chief repaired outhaul shackle that mysteriously lost its pin since we still had the reef in it was a nonevent. Otherwise Allure is performing beautifully

Hooked five Mahi Mahi since departure So many, we have been releasing last few lucky fish!

We continue to thoroughly enjoy this adventure. A bad day of sailing beats a good day ashore anytime and we've had four great days!

That's all for now from the hearty and happy crew.

Love to all, Michael aka Capt. Bligh

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1 comment:

  1. Hey guys! I have enjoyed reading all your "blogs" Sounds amazing!! Love you all, be safe, have fun.... Give my daddy-o a big hug for me. Happy sailing.
    xo, Sarah Rubino
