Thursday, July 14, 2011

Allure Day 6


So this is Thursday afternoon and time for an update to all of you great friends and family. We sucked. It didn't start out that way but here's what happened.

For 18 of the last 24 hours noon yesterday to noon today we sailed like rock stars (in our own minds) and for a while gained on nearly all the boats in our class by a substantial number of miles. We had second place in our sights and planning our next move on first place Horizon. Our south position that Al put us into a couple days ago was paying off like we planned. For 18 hours we sailed like we actually knew want we were doing and spirits were as high as I've ever seen on a boat. Then, and this is sailboat racing, at midnight, we sailed right into a mysterious, evil, Neptune inhabited, sea dragon infested, Jason and the golden fleece, vortex of a wind hole. All right out in the middle of nowhere and for no apparent reason (like being on the back of a passing storm). We went from 12 to 14 knots of wind, to next to nothing in a matter of an hour. What's going on here? Did everyone fall into the same hole?

We struggled with a collapsed chute, headed up to try and sail around this patch of flogging sails and frustrated crew, all to no avail. Then at 3 am it really got ugly. We caught an easterly shift, not what we wanted, and started sailing due north. Now, our course to Hawaii is 250 degrees on the compass which is south of west (west being 270) and so we found ourselves going AWAY from our destination. We jibed and sailed for about 40 minutes sort of toward Hawaii when the wind shifted 90 degrees back to North. Our next gibe at 4 in the morning was a nightmare. The chute was heavy with rain, hardly any wind, it got stuck going around the head stay in the front of the boat, we had to reverse the procedure and try again, what a mess. We lost so many miles to the competition from midnight to 6am that it's not even funny

This morning's 6 am standings indicate the 24 hour period was sailed evenly with most of the fleet, everyone making a slow 168 miles. But we could have been so far ahead if not for that 6 hour period. Oh well, we eagled one hole, then triple bogie the next. Now the wind is up and we're sailing smartly on a slightly north route that will put us in contact with the fleet sometime Friday…probably a stretch where not much will happen in the standings save for another black hole. We still like our position, because around Saturday the north boats will have to dive south toward us and lose some ground in the process. We're most defiantly not losing our motivation or passion for this race. We feel we're sailing the boat better and better, selecting the right sails, picking the right wind angles for speed and working hard. After last night's fiasco, we resolved to do whatever it takes from an effort standpoint to get ourselves on the podium.

All doing great, looking forward to a halfway party this evening.
Jim Barber

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  1. oh, man, I am so sorry you guys. I was kind of wondering what was going on. I was kind of worried that you just had a boat with the case of the slows. But it sounds like it is just terrible luck. I've seen those demonic nights, though, and they suck.

    Thinking also that you were in visual contact with J-world Hula hoop, or whatever that high-rated 50 is called. And just watched them disappear in front of you. I could see you trying out every sail to stop the bleeding. This story is much cooler and more epic.

    If it is any consolation, you are providing a riveting tale for the rest of us.

    Jeez YellowBrick's wind predictions show a steep gradient favoring the north for another 15 hours followed by an equally steep one favoring the south from 15 to 30 hours out. Earlier today it showed none of that. You guys must be going crazy!

  2. DAD!!!!!! That's a bummer!!! I'm so sad! But I think you are doing great!!!

    Love you! Miss you ! Mom should be in Hawaii by now! Jack and Oliver miss you!!!
