Thursday, July 21, 2011

Allure Day 13 Handover


Allure finished at 1903 12s HST July 18th enjoying a rapid 17kt crossing to secure 3rd place. 2nd place was a possibility when Deception lost their head stay in the Molokai Channel. They sent a guy aloft and quickly installed a jib sheet as an acting head stay and saved their time.

With this blog I am introducing the delivery crew who will continue the blog. The crew is:
Captain Michael Rubino Master
Captain John Betts Chief Mate
Captain Tom Hill Chief Engineer
Captain Steve Roberts Navigator and Blogmaster

Any comments to the blog after today will be relayed to the crew after I return to Los Angeles as Allure communications cannot access the internet. So do send comments, particularly their lack of skill (newbies).

Delivery departure scheduled for Sunday July 24, 2011 if Rubino can figure out how to back the boat out of the slip. The good news is they will not have to anchor on the way, as it is clear from previous return trips, they lack this skill, and have been so told.

Aloha, Navigator Al

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1 comment:

  1. O this is going to be good ! Looking forward to some good sea stories!

