Sunday, August 7, 2011

Return final


Latitude 34-24 North Longitude 120-58-West
Days run 206 Miles
Speed 8.65 Knots (best speed so far)
Total distance 2641 Mi.
To go 144 Mi.
ETA Los Angeles 8-8-11 @ 1000 PDT

Today's blog will be the final entry for the ALLURE 2011 Transpac delivery voyage. Time to introduce our salty crew:


"COOKIE" :Captain Steve Roberts Master
San Francisco Bar Pilot
Commissioner; California State Board of Pilot Commissioners
Calif. Maritime Academy D-77

"CHIEF" : Captain Tom Hill Master Mariner (Ret.)
Exxon Shipping Co. Tom was the relief Capt. aboard the ill-fated EXXON VALDEZ. He delivered her for repairs @ NASCO Shipyard in San Diego, CA.
Calif. Maritime Academy D-77

"SAILINGMASTER": Captain John Betz Master Mariner
Los Angeles Pilot and Co-Chair of the LA/LB Harbor Safety Committee. John also holds a JD from Hastings College of Law. S.F.
Calif. Maritime Academy D-76
"CAPT. BLIGH": Captain Michael Rubino Master Mariner
Chief Pilot Port of Los Angeles
Calif. Maritime Academy D-76

During the sea passage it was clear there was a special bond among the crew. I don't know exactly why or how we worked so well together. Perhaps it was the over 140 years combined seagoing experience that existed among us. Or the fact each of us had nothing to prove to the other. We were sailors enjoying the freedom of the open sea, genuine friendship, camaraderie, and the satisfaction of working together toward a common goal. Maybe we should send some of our politicians on an ocean crossing such as this. They would either learn to respect each other's views and work together…or "sleep with the fish"!

This voyage was a "bucket list" item for me. Although I have made the ocean crossing many times before on large tankers, I had never crossed the Pacific in a small yacht. The experience was truly magnificent! It was the experience of freedom one can only feel when all that holds you is the horizon.

Thanks to all who followed and supported our adventure, your emails gave us a lift and brought a touch of home to our humble craft.

Until next time The Crew of the S/V ALLURE

Totals: 2785 Miles
Days: 15.75 days
Fish caught; 9
Fresh Water Showers: Mot enough!

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