Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Return day 10


Latitude 38-38 North Longitude 140-00 West
(About 800 miles west of San Francisco)

Days run 179 Miles
Speed 7.8 Knots
Total distance 1686
To go 1095

We are motor sailing on a broad reach on a starboard tack. The wind is 12 to 15 kts. We would like to sail a little lower on the wind but fear sailing by the lee and risking a jibe. The wind should slowly veer to our port quarter and strengthen. Hopefully we will be reaching for home in a fresh breeze by our next blog

From the desk of the chief engineer: Not much to report as not much has broken. The small cockpit GPS has a shorted antenna and the Autopilot goes off line when Cookie gets on his SSB Radio. The main engine has been running fine. We have changed the fuel filter once and added 1 quart of oil to the crankcase so far. We take daily fuel soundings and record our consumption. We are consuming only 0.65 gallons of fuel per hour when motor sailing. We have enough fuel to motor sail the rest of the voyage with some to spare. The Captain and I sounded the fuel tank at noon today with a wooden sounding rod. We had a little discrepancy in reading the sounding. I estimated the ullage to be 6 inches and the Captain estimated 12 inches. I wonder who's telling the Captain its 12 inches? We have been transferring one 15 gallon drum of fuel each day as we've motored through the High. The syphon transfer hose Al made up for us works great. Not near a drop spilled so far. Thanks Al.

Fishing Report: We hooked two fish this morning. A small Albacore, which we were not able to land, and a very small yellow tail (landed it, but not a keeper). We continue trolling for that elusive, but perfect fish.

Capt. Log Supplemental

1600: Hooked an 8lb. albacore, filleted it in the cockpit, after killing it with a winch handle. Blood mixed with cigar ash. Arrr!
Fish count to date: 5 Mahi, 2 Albacore, and 1 yellow tail that looked like a large trout (it was at least 12")! Maybe 2 feet!

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