Friday, August 5, 2011

Return day 13

ALLURE RETURN - DAY 13 Men against the Sea

Latitude 35-57 North Longitude 128-55-West
Days run 199 Miles (23hrs)
Speed 8.65 Knots (best speed so far)
Total distance 2240
To go 544

Proceeding Eastward on a broad reach and Allure is sailing like a thoroughbred proving her pedigree despite her jockeys.

Sighted two vessels last night; one ship off the port beam @ 2nm and unknown sail boat which passed us from stbd. qtr. across to port bow and gone! We were making 9.5 knots and got left in her wake. Geez Gump.
Quiet day on the good ship Allure; thoughts of home and loved ones cross our minds. Nearly two weeks have passed since the start of our adventure. We left Hono round bellied middle-aged men, but for the past fortnight we felt like bronzed demi-gods…catching our food from the sea, bathing in passing squalls, and recounting the day's events over food and drink (maybe too much drink arr). As we near home and the return to our "normal" lives; we are still bronzed but alas also still round bellied middle-aged men. We have shared a unique experience bonded in a shared respect and are grateful to be returning to loving families. We are truly blessed.

M. Rubino aka arrr you know who.

From the Galley

We continue to have a gastronomic feast on this sea passage… The weather turned a bit challenging today, so my special Dad recipe, of Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches was served: Cockpit style!
All was going well until I decided to air out my sleeping area by opening up the port hole. As luck would have it…Our little Mr. Man of fashion and style: (The Chief), faltered while stuffing in a bite. : A huge hanging dribble of jelly slipped from his lockjaw tight grasp! Oh well…I guess a jelly soiled bunk is not the end of the world…


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