Thursday, August 4, 2011

return day 12


Days run 188 Miles
Speed 7.83 Knots
Total distance 2041
To go 739

Morning broke with gray overcast skies and a light. mist falling. The Chief and Cookie were debating the need for more speed. I've seen it before - the malady that creeps into the hearts and minds of sailors as they near land…CHANNEL FEVER! As usual it began in the stewards dept. Cookie was being driven by some unseen force (it's a good thing we can't see it) towards land and home. A need to make all possible dispatch for dry land. Arrr, me sailors bones warned me to handle this with care, lest there be unkind actions aboard the good ship Allure. Cookie went below to prepare AM chow and the Chief performed AM engine maintenance and fuel transfer. Situation averted, and after a good meal and AM staff meeting all is well again…at least for now.

We all miss our families, wives and sweethearts, but we must harden our sailors resolve for the final push home.

Ordered extra ration of grog for this evening's repast. We'll advance clocks one hour @ 1630 for early start of cocktail hour. Aye, that should help.

1215 SAIL HO!! Cookie sighted vessel 1 Pt. abaft the starboard beam, hull down range approx. 2.5 nm. Had tall rig and radio contact confirmed she was the PENDRAGON VI bound for Marina Del Rey. First contact since we left Hono.

Capt. Bligh Master S/V Allure

The real story

After a brief stint in the engine department - and an even briefer pass through the steward's department - I find myself once again - 12-days before the mast - in the accursed deck department. Working for the chief was OK, but I couldn't stand the noise in the engine room and all that diesel oil. Didn't mind the galley too much, but as we near land, the cook seems to be taking a long waltz through a small refer box. I didn't want to be working so close to the edge with all those sharp knives around. Capt. Blight is still a pain in the "you-know-what." He refuses to stick to the terms of my M.O.U., never complies with past practice, and seems not to understand the intent behind the language in my contract. So what else is new. But, such is life. At least were sailing now.

I remain - sailing master (reinstated)

From the Galley

The Real, Real story...The Chief woke up on the wrong side of the bunk, when the Captain stepped on his reading glasses…Nobody on this boat appreciates fresh baked Cinnamon, Apple cake, and my sweat and toil in this dam galley. I'm secretly making a radio call to Pendragon VI to Get me off this boat!!!


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1 comment:

  1. :) you guys are f ing hilarious, dont drop to far south heading home and land on tortugas!
