Monday, August 1, 2011

Return day 9


Latitude 39-10 North Longitude 143-47 West
Days run 170 Miles
Speed 7.1 Knots
Total distance 1507
To go 1276

Day 9
@ 0600 the good ship "Allure" broke free of the worst of the Pacific High. Sailingmaster was promptly recalled from the Black Gang, with wind from the SSW @ 12, we raised the main and #3 jib on a beam reach. Set preventer in the main. Continue to motor-sail Eastward @ 7-8 knots should encounter sustainable Westerly's, this afternoon still on a stbd. tack.
Staff Meeting held aft over hot coffee, bacon, and French toast to discuss provision status. Fresh water is the main concern, used the last of one boat tank yesterday and we are utilizing the water maker to refill. Propane could be an issue also, but Cookie asked that we not make any "hard and fast" rules regarding propane usage. We all agreed that when the propane runs out the hard and fast rule will be no coffee and cold meals!
Bestowed "Sailor of the Day Award to Cookie for his propane conservation program
In grateful appreciation for fair wind this day, declared General Amnesty to all hands for all past indiscretions. Amnesty was announced during lunch of grilled Ham & Cheese sandwiches and cold beer. Tonight we shall continue the celebration by dining on pulled pork with homemade vodka infused apple sauce. Life is good!
Capt. Bligh

The dog days of summer
Lazy reflective days at sea…Should I take a nap in the sun, or the shade? Read a book, or tell a Sea Story. What do I want to be when I grow up, I thought? These are the muse of a day at sea in the High.
Wait! That was yesterday…
With a grand entrance,
The wind rustles, Sails begin to unfurl, sheets trimmed, sea watches set. The boat begins to lift her skirt and show her spirit.
Each day brings anew!

Capt's Log Supplement Day 8 "IDLENESS IS THE DEVIL'S WORKSHOP"
Yesterday the calm conditions were ripe (and so was the crew) for a much needed bath by all hands. Cold salt water bucket shower followed by a cold fresh water rinse, aye that'll wake you up in the morning.

With no sails to tend the Sailing master grew restless and decide to take out his frustrations on the Capt. He stated he was through with the deck dept. normally, such insubordination would have led to 24 hrs. Bread and water rations and confinement to quarters; but idleness is the Devil's workshop, so instead of confinement he kept busy helping the Chief refuel. He thinks he's part of the Chief's Black Gang, but as soon as we reach the wind and fill our sails I'll need the lad's expertise. So I called on me kind inner soul and bit me tongue. Later we had grog in cockpit followed by supper served by the downwind cook.

2100 Set second night of "Motorboat Watch" Cookie sleeps tonight. I'll sleep with one eye opened

Capt. Bligh

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