Sunday, August 7, 2011

Return final


Latitude 34-24 North Longitude 120-58-West
Days run 206 Miles
Speed 8.65 Knots (best speed so far)
Total distance 2641 Mi.
To go 144 Mi.
ETA Los Angeles 8-8-11 @ 1000 PDT

Today's blog will be the final entry for the ALLURE 2011 Transpac delivery voyage. Time to introduce our salty crew:


"COOKIE" :Captain Steve Roberts Master
San Francisco Bar Pilot
Commissioner; California State Board of Pilot Commissioners
Calif. Maritime Academy D-77

"CHIEF" : Captain Tom Hill Master Mariner (Ret.)
Exxon Shipping Co. Tom was the relief Capt. aboard the ill-fated EXXON VALDEZ. He delivered her for repairs @ NASCO Shipyard in San Diego, CA.
Calif. Maritime Academy D-77

"SAILINGMASTER": Captain John Betz Master Mariner
Los Angeles Pilot and Co-Chair of the LA/LB Harbor Safety Committee. John also holds a JD from Hastings College of Law. S.F.
Calif. Maritime Academy D-76
"CAPT. BLIGH": Captain Michael Rubino Master Mariner
Chief Pilot Port of Los Angeles
Calif. Maritime Academy D-76

During the sea passage it was clear there was a special bond among the crew. I don't know exactly why or how we worked so well together. Perhaps it was the over 140 years combined seagoing experience that existed among us. Or the fact each of us had nothing to prove to the other. We were sailors enjoying the freedom of the open sea, genuine friendship, camaraderie, and the satisfaction of working together toward a common goal. Maybe we should send some of our politicians on an ocean crossing such as this. They would either learn to respect each other's views and work together…or "sleep with the fish"!

This voyage was a "bucket list" item for me. Although I have made the ocean crossing many times before on large tankers, I had never crossed the Pacific in a small yacht. The experience was truly magnificent! It was the experience of freedom one can only feel when all that holds you is the horizon.

Thanks to all who followed and supported our adventure, your emails gave us a lift and brought a touch of home to our humble craft.

Until next time The Crew of the S/V ALLURE

Totals: 2785 Miles
Days: 15.75 days
Fish caught; 9
Fresh Water Showers: Mot enough!

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Return day 13

ALLURE RETURN - DAY 13 Ready to go ashore

Latitude 35 10 North Longitude 125-02-West
Days run 195 Miles (23hrs)
Speed 8.65 Knots (best speed so far)
Total distance 2435 Mi.
To go 349 Mi.

From the Galley
After two nights of record setting speeds, we've sharpened up our calculator's and busily plotted our ETA's with precision and care. The morning of X, no, if we do this speed, it will be the evening of such and such…As with most things in life, things change…The wind has dropped off a bit, The Swell increased, we are hoping for a last surge of wind as we reach the coast. It's a pretty good bet that we'll make it to LA on Monday mid-day.
All are getting channel fever and looking forward to seeing our loved ones. I am really excited to have my girlfriend fly in for our arrival, and the unexpected bonus of making it back in time to celebrate my Mom's 90th birthday on Aug. 10.
Should me making a landfall tomorrow afternoon sometime, (if the Navigator got it right), then less than a day's run through the Channel Islands to "Allure's" berth in front of the Los Angeles Yacht club.
It has been a mellow day at sea, Last of 4 Costco Lasagnas' tonight. Give me a fresh salad please!!!
More tomorrow…


Capt's Log Supplemental

Just as fate would have it, the crew smells land and finds little use for the ironed hand discipline that got us through 2400 miles of savage sea, so far from home. Watch schedules are blown the cook is navigating and the Chief went on strike. Sailingmaster is quiet, but I don't like the look in his eye. After a general meeting, I have been demoted to laundry and sanitation officer (at least I retained my officer's billet). The ungrateful bilge rats will pay for this. PUT THE TOILET SEAT DOWN YA MANGEY SEA DOGS!

Bligh, former Capt. of the S/V Allure

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Return day 13

ALLURE RETURN - DAY 13 Men against the Sea

Latitude 35-57 North Longitude 128-55-West
Days run 199 Miles (23hrs)
Speed 8.65 Knots (best speed so far)
Total distance 2240
To go 544

Proceeding Eastward on a broad reach and Allure is sailing like a thoroughbred proving her pedigree despite her jockeys.

Sighted two vessels last night; one ship off the port beam @ 2nm and unknown sail boat which passed us from stbd. qtr. across to port bow and gone! We were making 9.5 knots and got left in her wake. Geez Gump.
Quiet day on the good ship Allure; thoughts of home and loved ones cross our minds. Nearly two weeks have passed since the start of our adventure. We left Hono round bellied middle-aged men, but for the past fortnight we felt like bronzed demi-gods…catching our food from the sea, bathing in passing squalls, and recounting the day's events over food and drink (maybe too much drink arr). As we near home and the return to our "normal" lives; we are still bronzed but alas also still round bellied middle-aged men. We have shared a unique experience bonded in a shared respect and are grateful to be returning to loving families. We are truly blessed.

M. Rubino aka arrr you know who.

From the Galley

We continue to have a gastronomic feast on this sea passage… The weather turned a bit challenging today, so my special Dad recipe, of Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches was served: Cockpit style!
All was going well until I decided to air out my sleeping area by opening up the port hole. As luck would have it…Our little Mr. Man of fashion and style: (The Chief), faltered while stuffing in a bite. : A huge hanging dribble of jelly slipped from his lockjaw tight grasp! Oh well…I guess a jelly soiled bunk is not the end of the world…


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Thursday, August 4, 2011

return day 12


Days run 188 Miles
Speed 7.83 Knots
Total distance 2041
To go 739

Morning broke with gray overcast skies and a light. mist falling. The Chief and Cookie were debating the need for more speed. I've seen it before - the malady that creeps into the hearts and minds of sailors as they near land…CHANNEL FEVER! As usual it began in the stewards dept. Cookie was being driven by some unseen force (it's a good thing we can't see it) towards land and home. A need to make all possible dispatch for dry land. Arrr, me sailors bones warned me to handle this with care, lest there be unkind actions aboard the good ship Allure. Cookie went below to prepare AM chow and the Chief performed AM engine maintenance and fuel transfer. Situation averted, and after a good meal and AM staff meeting all is well again…at least for now.

We all miss our families, wives and sweethearts, but we must harden our sailors resolve for the final push home.

Ordered extra ration of grog for this evening's repast. We'll advance clocks one hour @ 1630 for early start of cocktail hour. Aye, that should help.

1215 SAIL HO!! Cookie sighted vessel 1 Pt. abaft the starboard beam, hull down range approx. 2.5 nm. Had tall rig and radio contact confirmed she was the PENDRAGON VI bound for Marina Del Rey. First contact since we left Hono.

Capt. Bligh Master S/V Allure

The real story

After a brief stint in the engine department - and an even briefer pass through the steward's department - I find myself once again - 12-days before the mast - in the accursed deck department. Working for the chief was OK, but I couldn't stand the noise in the engine room and all that diesel oil. Didn't mind the galley too much, but as we near land, the cook seems to be taking a long waltz through a small refer box. I didn't want to be working so close to the edge with all those sharp knives around. Capt. Blight is still a pain in the "you-know-what." He refuses to stick to the terms of my M.O.U., never complies with past practice, and seems not to understand the intent behind the language in my contract. So what else is new. But, such is life. At least were sailing now.

I remain - sailing master (reinstated)

From the Galley

The Real, Real story...The Chief woke up on the wrong side of the bunk, when the Captain stepped on his reading glasses…Nobody on this boat appreciates fresh baked Cinnamon, Apple cake, and my sweat and toil in this dam galley. I'm secretly making a radio call to Pendragon VI to Get me off this boat!!!


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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

return day 11


Days run 167 Miles
Speed 6.9 Knots
Total distance 1853
To go 928

After encountering Lt. Airs for most of the day yesterday, 1200 today finds us in increasing NW winds @ 9.0 knots. Expect to make 200 mile days ahead.
Lazy day boat riding easy, declared free time day.

This crew has given new meaning to the term "cockpit",. The cockpit has become the focal point of the boat; we dine there, meet there, and bathe there. It's sort of a free fire testostriZONE (pun intended) where anything goes (and usually does). All in good fun….IF YOU WANT SENSITIVITY GO TO THE BOW!!!

That's all for today.

Capt. Bligh

From the galley

We had a great dinner last night. Fresh caught Albacore Tuna steaks. Cooked to order, sautéed in a Seasoned Olive Oil, served over Chinese noodles. As I speak, the fishing team has informed me of another tuna that has been slayed!! Better get out my recipe book.

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Return day 10


Latitude 38-38 North Longitude 140-00 West
(About 800 miles west of San Francisco)

Days run 179 Miles
Speed 7.8 Knots
Total distance 1686
To go 1095

We are motor sailing on a broad reach on a starboard tack. The wind is 12 to 15 kts. We would like to sail a little lower on the wind but fear sailing by the lee and risking a jibe. The wind should slowly veer to our port quarter and strengthen. Hopefully we will be reaching for home in a fresh breeze by our next blog

From the desk of the chief engineer: Not much to report as not much has broken. The small cockpit GPS has a shorted antenna and the Autopilot goes off line when Cookie gets on his SSB Radio. The main engine has been running fine. We have changed the fuel filter once and added 1 quart of oil to the crankcase so far. We take daily fuel soundings and record our consumption. We are consuming only 0.65 gallons of fuel per hour when motor sailing. We have enough fuel to motor sail the rest of the voyage with some to spare. The Captain and I sounded the fuel tank at noon today with a wooden sounding rod. We had a little discrepancy in reading the sounding. I estimated the ullage to be 6 inches and the Captain estimated 12 inches. I wonder who's telling the Captain its 12 inches? We have been transferring one 15 gallon drum of fuel each day as we've motored through the High. The syphon transfer hose Al made up for us works great. Not near a drop spilled so far. Thanks Al.

Fishing Report: We hooked two fish this morning. A small Albacore, which we were not able to land, and a very small yellow tail (landed it, but not a keeper). We continue trolling for that elusive, but perfect fish.

Capt. Log Supplemental

1600: Hooked an 8lb. albacore, filleted it in the cockpit, after killing it with a winch handle. Blood mixed with cigar ash. Arrr!
Fish count to date: 5 Mahi, 2 Albacore, and 1 yellow tail that looked like a large trout (it was at least 12")! Maybe 2 feet!

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Return day 9


Latitude 39-10 North Longitude 143-47 West
Days run 170 Miles
Speed 7.1 Knots
Total distance 1507
To go 1276

Day 9
@ 0600 the good ship "Allure" broke free of the worst of the Pacific High. Sailingmaster was promptly recalled from the Black Gang, with wind from the SSW @ 12, we raised the main and #3 jib on a beam reach. Set preventer in the main. Continue to motor-sail Eastward @ 7-8 knots should encounter sustainable Westerly's, this afternoon still on a stbd. tack.
Staff Meeting held aft over hot coffee, bacon, and French toast to discuss provision status. Fresh water is the main concern, used the last of one boat tank yesterday and we are utilizing the water maker to refill. Propane could be an issue also, but Cookie asked that we not make any "hard and fast" rules regarding propane usage. We all agreed that when the propane runs out the hard and fast rule will be no coffee and cold meals!
Bestowed "Sailor of the Day Award to Cookie for his propane conservation program
In grateful appreciation for fair wind this day, declared General Amnesty to all hands for all past indiscretions. Amnesty was announced during lunch of grilled Ham & Cheese sandwiches and cold beer. Tonight we shall continue the celebration by dining on pulled pork with homemade vodka infused apple sauce. Life is good!
Capt. Bligh

The dog days of summer
Lazy reflective days at sea…Should I take a nap in the sun, or the shade? Read a book, or tell a Sea Story. What do I want to be when I grow up, I thought? These are the muse of a day at sea in the High.
Wait! That was yesterday…
With a grand entrance,
The wind rustles, Sails begin to unfurl, sheets trimmed, sea watches set. The boat begins to lift her skirt and show her spirit.
Each day brings anew!

Capt's Log Supplement Day 8 "IDLENESS IS THE DEVIL'S WORKSHOP"
Yesterday the calm conditions were ripe (and so was the crew) for a much needed bath by all hands. Cold salt water bucket shower followed by a cold fresh water rinse, aye that'll wake you up in the morning.

With no sails to tend the Sailing master grew restless and decide to take out his frustrations on the Capt. He stated he was through with the deck dept. normally, such insubordination would have led to 24 hrs. Bread and water rations and confinement to quarters; but idleness is the Devil's workshop, so instead of confinement he kept busy helping the Chief refuel. He thinks he's part of the Chief's Black Gang, but as soon as we reach the wind and fill our sails I'll need the lad's expertise. So I called on me kind inner soul and bit me tongue. Later we had grog in cockpit followed by supper served by the downwind cook.

2100 Set second night of "Motorboat Watch" Cookie sleeps tonight. I'll sleep with one eye opened

Capt. Bligh

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